Ready Mixed Concrete is manufactured in our factory / batching plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a work site, by truck mounted transit mixers. This results in precise mixture allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction site. Popularly called as R.M.C. where concrete is specifically designed and manufactured according to the need of user and delivered in plastic and unharden state through Transit mixers at desired height and destination. The ingredient of concrete processed thro fully automated and mechanised plant controlled by computerised system ensures absolute accuracy in quality of concrete and keeps total transparency of product quality which ultimately stand boon to construction industry. Where ingredients batching is done by weighing not by volume. The defined proportions of ingredients i.e. Sand, Cement, Aggregate, Water and Admixtures according to Design Mix results in high-grade quality of concrete. Besides this it ensures savings on cost due to minimal wastage and low manpower. IT ensures durability of structures, maintenance free and low level of pollution. Being a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization, we are highly instrumental in providing an extensive array of Ready Mix Concrete. The offered concrete is processed using the finest quality raw material and ultra-modern technology in adherence with industry norms. Our provided mix concrete is tested on varied parameters of quality so as to offer a pure grade to our client’s. Available in varied packaging options as per user’s demands, this concrete is highly appreciated in the market.
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